Sunrise over Mount Toby - Sunderland, MA

Sunrise over Mount Toby - Sunderland, MA

from $19.95

I was hiking in the Mount Toby Forest in the late Fall. The sun just crested the mountain as I got the drone in the air.

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Milky Way at Cranberry Pond - Sunderland, MA

Milky Way at Cranberry Pond - Sunderland, MA

from $19.95

Sunrise over Wickett Pond - Wendell, MA

from $19.95

Sunrise and fog at Mount Sugarloaf - South Deerfield, MA

from $19.95
Sunrise over the New England Peace Pagoda

Sunrise over the New England Peace Pagoda

from $19.95

Fog over the woods - Shutesbury, MA

from $19.95